sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025

Compilado benefico: No Border Camp, 2022.



Estamos encantados de lanzar la compilación «No Border Camp 2022», una colección de canciones que nos han regalado con gracia veintisiete artistas diferentes de muchas fronteras, fronteras a cuya existencia naturalmente nos oponemos. Del punk al black metal, del hip-hop al grindcore, del folk a la electrónica, y del drone al noise rock, pretende ser una banda sonora contra todos los estados nacionales y sus fronteras inhumanas.

La compilación está disponible para su descarga en un formato de "paga lo que quieras" y todos los ingresos se destinarán a la financiación del No Border Camp 2022, que se llevará a cabo del 8 al 14 de agosto en Róterdam, Países Bajos.

Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a Bad Breeding, Black Decades, Crustenunie, 2 Manky Hookers & a Racist Dwarf, Worthlessness, The Empyrean, Medieval Acid Party, Zalm, JenJen, Lifeless Past, Mystras, Terzij de Horde, Ethan Lee McCarthy, Nøbøføtø, Nomadic War Machine, Nukke, Oust, Spetterpoep, Dj Onko, USA Nails, The Super Soakers, Your Local Pirates, Paul Bacardi y Mik de Jager, 45ACIDBABIES, Bumble B. Boy, Sessions y Deeez.

 Bad Breeding - Burn This Flag | Originally released on the Burn This Flag EP (2014) | badbreeding.bandcamp.com
Black Decades - Automaton Incarnate | Originally released on the Never A Word EP (2020) | blackdecades.bandcamp.com
Crustenunie - Coalitie | Originally released on the Degoutant EP (2021) | crustenunie.bandcamp.com
2 Manky Hookers & a Racist Dwarf - Samota | Originally released on Demo (2022) | 2mankyhookersandaracistdwarf.bandcamp.com
Worthlessness - You're worthless | Previously unrleased |
The Empyrean - Tardigrades | Originally released on In The Big House (2021)
Medieval Acid Party - Untitled | Previously unreleased
Zalm - Starten en wegrijden met de loader | Previously unreleased | barreuhrecords.bandcamp.com
JenJen – GrensLoos | Previously unreleased | jenjenmusick.bandcamp.com
Lifeless Past - Miles Away | Originally released on Discarnate Objects (2019) |
Mystras - In The Company of Heretics | Originally released on Empires Vanquished and Dismantled (2021) | spectrallore.bandcamp.com
Terzij de Horde - Cheiron | Originally released on the In One of These, I am Your Enemy EP (2022) | terzijdehorde.bandcamp.com
Ethan Lee McCarthy - The Petite Prince | Originally released on Beauty In All Things (Part One & Two), (2022) | damienrecords666.bandcamp.com/album/beauty-in-all-things
Nøbøføtø - Mammon | Originally released in 2022 | www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ5LUF9MBaQ5IVdCMJ503fA
Nomadic War Machine – I Hate Every Cop In This Town | Originally released on the Creatures Of The Wind EP (2020) | nomadicwarmachine.bandcamp.com
Nukke - Life Is A Nightmare | Previously unreleased | nukke.bandcamp.com
Oust – Genocide At Sea | Previously released on the Oust EP | oustpunx.bandcamp.com
Spetterpoep - mark rutte stopt bijen in mijn plasbuis | Previously unreleased | spetterpoep.bandcamp.com
Dj Onko - For Prescription Use Only | Originally released on the Wicky Leaks EP (2021) | ih8dj-onko.bandcamp.com
USA Nails - Dumb of Choice | Originally released on Character Stop (2020) | usanails.bandcamp.com
The Super Soakers - Imagination | Originally released on Monuments of Anger in the Infrastructure of Boredom (2022)
Your Local Pirates – Rainbow Colors | Originally released on the Take No Orders cd (2022), digital exclusive for the compilation | yourlocalpirates.bandcamp.com
Paul Bacardi & Mik de Jager - Grand Designs | Previously unreleased
45Acidbabies - 3 (Walk with me) | Originally released in 2020 | www.youtube.com/channel/UCiIKb4jWzS6oGzoSObcs1-g
Bumble B. Boy - Cevis Agaci | Originally released in 2021 |
Sessions - Småland | Previously unreleased
Deeez – Thales Kills | Previously unreleased

Bad Breeding - Burn This Flag 01:55
Black Decades - Automaton Incarnate 02:56
Crustenunie - Coalitie 02:02
2 Manky Hookers and a Racist Dwarf - Samota 02:07
Worthlessness - You're worthless 08:49
The Empyrean - Tardigrades 04:10
Medieval Acid Party - Untitled 06:36
Zalm - Starten en wegrijden met de loader 01:30
JenJen - GrensLoos 06:24
Lifeless Past - Miles Away 02:52
Mystras - In The Company Of Heretics 07:39
Terzij de Horde - Cheiron 04:03
Ethan Lee McCarthy - The Petite Prince 05:19
Nøbøføtø - Mammon 02:16
Nomadic War Machine - I Hate Every Cop In This Town 03:10
Nukke - Life Is A Nightmare 01:38
Oust - Genocide at Sea 01:31
Spetterpoep - mark rutte stopt bijen in mijn plasbuis 01:14
Dj Onko - For Prescription Use Only 01:07
USA Nails - Dumb of Choice 00:50
The Super Soakers - Imaginations 03:24
Your Local Pirates - Rainbow Colors 03:12
Paul Bacardi & Mik de Jager - Grand Designs 04:37
45Acidbabies - 3 (Walk with me) 02:46
Bumble B. Boy - Cevis Agaci 05:38
Sessions - Småland 07:02
Deez - Thales Kills 05:01

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